Both Anders Breivik and Jared Lee Loughner posted substantial digital repositories before their brutal extremist acts. In an ideal world we should be able to track social network text traffic to pinpoint individuals and groups narrowing in on behaviour that can on many levels be severely harmful to society.
Currently this is very difficult.
As is almost always the case, online threats and circumstantial postings are ambiguous and contain little or no clear-cut hits against “danger word” listings. With hindsight it is unfortunately evident in most cases that enough online material did exist “pre-terror” to perhaps prevent or minimise the planned actions.
Gatfol technology is ideal in facilitating danger-word hits where none exist in the source data.
Let’s see how by looking at the above case studies :
Anders Breivik’s online manifesto contained the following sentence : “I simulate various future scenarios relating to resistance efforts, confrontations with police, future interrogation scenarios, future court appearances, future media interviews etc. “Brief skimming brings up possible danger-words in “scenarios”, “resistance”, “police” etc, but nothing that does not appear in many daily online Tweets, Facebook postings or blog utterances.
The Gatfol semantic engine picked up these danger- words but flagged with extreme sensitivity the word combination “media interviews”. Together with “scenarios”, “resistance”, and “police”, the phrase “media interviews” instantaneously and uniquely crystallised in the Gatfol SIFT matrixes as “public violence of newsworthy effect”. Note that the latter semantic equivalent phrase hit totally different keywords that might be required by available danger-word lists.
Gatfol processes millions of concept permutations per second and the volume of input under scrutiny can therefore be quite large. Amongst much online ramblings and “word-salad” postings by Jared Lee Loughner, the following excerpts were analysed by Gatfol :
Hello, my name is Jared Lee Loughner.
This video is my introduction to you! My favorite activity is conscience dreaming; the greatest inspiration for my political business information. Some of you don’t dream — sadly.
Firstly, the current government officials are in power for their currency, but I’m informing you for your new currency! If you’re treasuerer of a new money system, then you’re responsible for the distributing of a new currency. We now know — the treasurer for a new money system, is the distributor of the new currency. As a result, the people approve a new money system which is promising new information that’s accurate, and we truly believe in a new currency. Above all, you have your new currency, listener?
Secondly, my hope – is for you to be literate! If you’re literate in English grammar, then you comprehend English grammar. The majority of poeple, who reside in District 8, are illiterate — hilarious. I don’t control your English grammar structure, but you control your English grammar structure.
Thirdly, I know who’s listening: Government Officials, and the People. Nearly all the people, who don’t know this accurate information of a new currency, aren’t aware of mind control and brainwash methods. If I have my civil rights, then this message wouldn’t have happen.
In conclusion, my ambition – is for informing literate dreamers about a new currency; in a few days, you know I’m conscience dreaming! Thank you!
My Final Thoughts: Jared Lee Loughner!
Most people, who read this text, forget in the next 2 second!
The population of dreamers in the United States of America is less than 5%!
If 987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,618 is the year in B.C.E. then the previous year is 987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,619 B.C.E.987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,618 is the year in B.C.E.
Therefore, the previous year of 987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,619 B.C.E.
If B.C.E. years are unable to start then A.D.E. years are unable to begin.
B.C.E. years are unable to start.
Thus, A.D.E. years are unable to begin.
If A.D.E. is endless in year then the years in A.D.E. don’t cease.
A.D.E. is endless in year.
Therefore, the years in A.D.E. don’t cease.
If I teach a mentally capable 8 year old for 20 consecutive minutes to replace an alphabet letter with a new letter and pronunciation then the mentally capable 8 year old writes and pronounces the new letter and pronunciation that’s replacing an alphabet letter in 20 consecutive minutes.
I teach a mentally capable 8 year old for 20 consecutive minutes to replace an alphabet letter with a new letter and pronunciation.
Thus, the mentally capable 8 year old writes and pronounces the new letter and pronunciation that replaces an alphabet letter in 20 consecutive minutes.
Every human who’s mentally capable is always able to be treasurer of their new currency.
If you create one new currency then you’re able to create a second new currency.
If you’re able to create second new currency then you’re able to create third new currency.
You create one new currency.
Thus, you’re able to create a third new currency.
You’re a treasurer for a new currency, listener?
You create and distribute your new currency, listener?
You don’t allow the government to control your grammar structure, listener?
If you create one new language then you’re able to create a second new language.
If you’re able to create a second new language then you’re able to create a third new language.
You create one new language.
Thus, you’re able to create a third new language.
All humans are in need of sleep.
Jared Loughner is a human.
Hence, Jared Loughner is in need of sleep.
If I define sleepwalking then sleepwalking is the act or state of walking, eating, or performing other motor acts while asleep, of which one is unaware upon awakening.
I define sleepwalking.
Thus, sleepwalking is the act or state of walking, eating, or performing other motor acts while asleep, of which one is unaware upon awakening.
I’m a sleepwalker – who turns off the alarm clock.
All conscience dreaming at this moment is asleep.
Jared Loughner is conscience dreaming at this moment.
Thus, Jared Loughner is asleep.
If I define terrorist then a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon.
I define terrorist.
This, a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon.
If you call me a terrorist then the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad hominem.
You call me a terrorist.
Thus, the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad hominem.
Every United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenis is receiving one mini bible before the tests.
Jared Loughner is a United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix.
Therefore, Jared Loughner is receiving one mini bible before the tests.
I didn’t write a belief on my Army application, and the recruiter wrote on the application; None.
The majority of citizens in the United States of America have never read the United States of America’s Constitution.
You don’t have to accept the federalist laws.
Nonetheless, read the United States of America’s Constituion to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws.
You’re literate, listener?
If the property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution then the revolutionary’s from the revolution are in control of the land and laws.
The property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution.
Thus, the revolutionary’s from the revolution are in control of the land and laws.
In conclusion, reading the second United States Constition, I can’t trust the current government because of the ratifications: The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar.
No! I won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver!
No! I won’t trust in God!
What’s government if words don’t have meaning?
Given the above – what would we as human filters uniquely flag as strongly pointing to a possible public assassination attempt ? – (eventually that of Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona not long after the above online postings).
Gatfol employs a massively parallel filtering technology called SIFT that looks at data from multiple simultaneous “focus points”. Any multiword grouping can be equivalently transformed into any other multiword group, keeping semantic- and grammar integrity intact. This enables Gatfol to “see” semantic perspective in large datasets that is not immediately evident to human analysts or investigators.
Gatfol flagged the following phrase excerpts “in a few days, you know I’m conscience dreaming”, “final thoughts”, “political weapon” and interestingly enough “all humans are in need of sleep” which Gatfol, given the preceding phrases, semantically transcribed to “permanent sleep”. Together with Loughner’s words that Gifford was “stupid & unintelligent” (he apparently met her in 2007) and the fact that she was appearing in person in Tucson not far from Lougner’s place of stay flags critically of planned personal-directed injury.
With Gatfol’s huge processing power, inline streaming analysis of real-time social media
– and other data – is critical on any local, national and international security analysis level.