Category Archives: Natural Sciences

Launch Your Castaway Escape Raft From Islands’ Leeward Sides



Firstly – when using sails, the winds will carry you further
away from the island and hopefully across shipping lanes…

 More obscurely – substantial island land-mass elevation
causes “open sky” patches only on the leeward sides…

 …air based reconnaissance and rescue has a much better chance of visually spotting you…

Satellite Image: Wave Clouds and Vortices Aleutian Islands: Bering Sea

Gatfol can be life-saving !

Gatfol and The Answer to Everything


In The HitchHiker’s Guide to The Galaxy, the answer to the ultimate
question is calculated by a gigantic super computer to be equal to 42.

The problem was that this ultimate question was unknown…

To calculate the question a special organic computer named “Earth” was created..

The quickest way to travel between continents would be by using
a tunnel through the earth from which all air has been removed.

Travel would be purely by accelerating and “falling” for the first half and
in equal measure decelerating for the second half for a dead stop exit.

It is a scientific fact that this travel will ALWAYS take 42 minutes….
…no matter if the tunnel is through the center of the earth or not.

Gravity powers this travel.

Gravity is not currently fully explained or understood…

Does the earth computer give itself away?

Gatfol provides questions…

Use Gatfol to Fight Cockroaches…

A cockroach will always run from everything that approaches…except a vacuum cleaner nozzle… 

Cockroaches’ main sensory protection are tiny hairs on their cerci sensing low frequency air changes.

Approaching fly swats, shoes, newspapers, hands and magazines create preceding air pressure build up.

Cockroaches sense it and run in 50 milliseconds…quicker than the blink of an eye…

Vacuum cleaner suction creates positive air pressure flow from the opposite direction…

…and cockroaches run right into the nozzle…

  Without Gatfol you would not have known this…

 Make Gatfol semantic analysis technology a household friend…